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Wee Jasper School celebrates 125 years

31 August 2024

The centre's information stall at the Wee Jasper celebrations
The centre's information stall at the Wee Jasper celebrations

The Wee Jasper School 125th Anniversary attracted a very good crowd and considerable interest in our display which comprised six storyboards, well presented on a metal framework, with hay bales and wattle branches to highlight. A good selection of school related materials and booklets were displayed on the tables.

Volunteers Jane Southwell, Caroline O'Clery, Peter Browning & Alastair Crombie had worked for several weeks prior to the day finalising research and creating the display materials.

The centre's Heritage in the Suitcase resources were displayed in the main school room and comprised the majority of historic items on display and elicited many comments such as..... 'Oh, I remember those' and ' what a blast from the past'!

Jane, with assistance from Caroline and others, contributed a major section to the Wee Jasper 125th Anniversary Book. The publication will be available for sale from the centre in the near future.

One highlight of the day featured a former student who re-enacted the ringing of the famous Kangiara Bell, which he had done as a student at Kangiara.

A very big effort, but worthwhile as we were the only history organisation represented.

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