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Annual Address - Duncan Marshall

16 August 2024

Guest speaker Duncan Marshall AM, flanked by Alastair Crombie (Hon Curator) and Allen Mawer (Right)

[photo credit Karen Moore]
Guest speaker Duncan Marshall AM, flanked by Alastair Crombie (Hon Curator) and Allen Mawer (Right)

[photo credit Karen Moore]

Chair of the ACT Heritage Council Duncan Marshall gave the Centre's 2024 Annual Address on Thursday 15th August. In introducing him Allen Mawer observed that the Ministerial 'Statement of Expectations' presented to the incoming Council in 2023 had the flavour of 'mission impossible'.. The speaker did not entirely disagree, but devoted the following thirty minutes to outlining the work that the Council has been doing, its priorities and its limitations, and the prospects for a new ACT Heritage Strategy. The latter could and should in his view engage with all parts of the 'heritage eco-system' - governmental (ACT and Federal), private, professional associations, resource centres such as the ACT Heritage Library and the ACT Archives, and community based organisations such as the Hall Heritage Centre.

Duncan mentioned that he (with Eric Martin) had once worked with Lyall Gillespie on a Gungahlin Homestead heritage project, and recalled meeting him 'at home' in Campbell, where he answered questions by retrieving the relevant index cards from his files. Preserving these cards and rendering them as accessible as possible continues to be a priority off the Centre.

He acknowledged that the governmental heritage system had been somewhat reactive, and had some impressive backlogs - issues which are now being addressed. There is also a strong commitment to extending control of Aboriginal heritage matters to Aboriginal people.

The Centre is grateful to Duncan for accepting our invitation, and giving us an interesting and authoritative overview of ACT heritage, with pointers to ways in which Centres such us ours might engage.

After the address guests enjoyed a fine light lunch prepared once again under the supervision of Mardie Troth. Thanks also to Paul Howarth for setting up the PA system, and all others who helped make this event a success.

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