Museum Annual Report
27 July 2012

The 'Friends of Hall School Museum' has been in existence for nearly 12 months. Apart from the need for the reminder to renew your annual membership of $20 (see below for details), it is appropriate to report on achievements for the last year and plans for 2012-2013.
I was appointed as Honorary Curator in September 2011 and Chair of the Executive Committee of the 'Friends' comprising Rosalie Richards, Jan Peelgrane, Jenny Holcombe and Allen Mawer. This group has been supported by a small team of volunteers who have gathered every Thursday morning this year to carry out a variety of tasks ranging from research, conservation, acting as volunteer guides on open days and complex exhibition construction.
These activities have included:
A. The Museum has undergone a rationalisation of its layout and display of the collection to make visiting the museum a more interesting and focussed experience. The museum has been opened to the public on the first Sunday of each month from 12.00 to 3.00pm to align with the timing of the Hall Markets. In addition, the Museum has also been open by arrangement on numerous other occasions such as special visits by early education professionals, schools, men's shed groups, walking groups, politicians, tourism bodies, and other interested visitors.
B. We were successful in applying for an ACT Heritage Grant of $7845. This grant has been used to provide professional services for the conservation of various specific articles, to provide further training to the volunteers, to purchase display cases, to fund the setting up of the Museum web pages; for promotion of the Museum and to support an exhibition regarding local Bush Schools for ACT Heritage Week 2012.
C. We mounted a very successful exhibition on 'Bush Schools of the Hall District' for ACT Heritage Week. This exhibition was opened by local historian Jill Waterhouse. The opening was also attended by ACT Minister for Education, Chris Burke MLA and was attended by over 500 visitors. The display was highly complimented for its professionalism.
D. We have continued conservation and repair of many of the 2000 plus items in the collection.
E. We have engaged with the Hall Men's Shed who have carried out major restoration and minor repairs to the Hall school museum building and furniture.
F. We have researched and digitized a great deal of material relating to early education in the Hall District for the Museum archive.
G. We have maintained the Museum's relationship with the Canberra Institute of Technology and were therefore able to assist CIT students in their creating and displaying of an exhibition on 'Discipline in Schools'. This display was part of the competency assessment for their certificates in Museum Practice. A student from the University of Canberra also carried out an assessment of the textiles in our collection as part of her conservation studies.
H. We have developed the Hall School Museum web pages on the Hall community website. These include news items and a photo gallery, and an archive of documents on early education will be housed.
I Received donations of interesting and historic items for the heritage collection from a number of people.
PLANS for 2012-2013
A. An application has been submitted for an ACT Heritage Grant of $6140 for a project 'Present at Birth – Celebrating Canberra's Early Schools and Teachers' as part of Canberra's centenary celebrations;
B. Provide on-going maintenance of the museum and conservation, accessioning and display of its collection;
C. Continue promoting and arranging for ACT Primary School groups to visit the museum;
D. Increase the promotion of the museum through the Canberra Visitors Centre and through other local area tourism outlets;
E. To gather more 'Friends of the Museum' and increase their involvement in museum activities;
F. To establish a stronger relationship with Tuggeranong and St. Johns Schoolhouse museums;
G. Prepare and hold an exhibition of Hall and District in 1913 as our contribution to the Canberra centenary. The exhibition will feature the school as it was in 1913, and will also include trades, home life, social events, sports, rural activities etc. The exhibition aims to include photos, artifacts from that era and blacksmithing and trades demonstrations;
H. Initiate discussions with relevant authorities to bring interstate school groups to visit the Museum;
I. Maintain lobbying the Government authorities to ensure continued access to the school site; and
J. Provide input into papers on educational archiving to be presented at the Museums Australia Conference and make available to delegates the museum for a visit by conference delegates.
Renewal of the $20 ($10 for "Friends" and $10 membership to the Village of Hall and District Progress Association (VHDPA) is detailed on the VHDPA Membership Form.
Thanks to all "Friends", ACT Heritage, ANME, DHCS, ABC Radio, The Canberra Times, Rural Fringe, Hall Mens Shed and other organisations who have supported the Hall School Museum.
Phil Robson
Honorary Curator
Hall School Museum