Anderson, Miss Beatrice Amelia
Beatrice Anderson was medically examined by the Principal Medical Offer, Medical Branch, Department of Education, in April 1916. The medical report stated:
"....she states she has suffered menstrual pain since puberty. Has had nasal catarrh for two years, and weakness and lassitude for about nine months.
The medical report on her physical condition when a candidate for admission to the Service in 1912 appears to cast doubt on her fitness to serve at that time.
On examination - she is poorly nourished and anaemic looking. Her speech indicates some interference with the free passage of air.
Opinion - She is not physically fit to teach at present. I would recommend that the leave asked for be granted".
An endorsement from the Under Secretary states:
Leave recommended from 1st May to 31st August without pay.
- Majura School
08/1914 - 06/1916