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McGrath, Bridget

Bridget Mary McGrath was born c1870. She completed her schooling in Cooma, winning an award in her final year ['Monaro Mercury, and Cooma and Bombala Advertiser', 22 December 1883, p. 3].

Pupil Teacher: Cooma Public School

In October 1885, 15-year-old Bridget was appointed Pupil Teacher in the Primary department of Cooma School, having passed an eligibility examination the previous year. In early 1886, she attended the laying of the foundation stone for a new building to accommodate increasing enrolments. Over the next four years she progressed through annual examinations, attaining Pupil Teacher Class I in October 1890, and a year later became eligible for a position as teacher of a small school.

Lomolong Provisional School

In October 1891 Bridget was appointed to Lomolong (previously called Molonglo), near Bungendore, as the school was raised from half-time status with an expected enrolment of 19. A re-erected building from Brooks Creek was ready for her arrival, but furniture took another two months to be delivered. Bridget seemingly settled to her duties at Lomolong where she remained over three years, earning £91 p.a., until falling enrolments returned the school to half-time.

Merrigan Creek Provisional School

In March 1895 Bridget was appointed to Merrigan Creek between Tarago and Bungendore, where she took lodgings about half a mile from the school. Some improvements had been made to the school building prior to her arrival, including the addition of a veranda. There was still however an unfulfilled request for a fence between the school and road to 'protect the children from cattle'. Over the next two years Bridget passed successive promotion exams, increasing her classification but seemingly not prompting her to seek employment elsewhere.

On the night of 20 April 1897 while Bridget was away for the Easter break, the Merrigan Creek school was destroyed by fire. An inquest revealed various parties had been on the grounds during the day and although an open verdict was returned, arson was suspected and a reward offered for information leading to 'the apprehension and conviction of the guilty person or persons' ['New South Wales Government Gazette', 4 June 1897, p.39; 'Goulburn Evening Penny Post', 11 May 1897, p.4]. Bridget was employed at Cooma while a new school was erected, returning briefly to Merrigan Creek, before receiving a promotion.

Majura Public School

In October 1897 Bridget took charge at Majura as it was raised from half-time to Provisional, teaching in a re-erected building from Canberra (Springbank) School. By January 1898 the enrolment justified conversion to a Public School, with Bridget continuing as teacher. In 1899, an exhibit of her students' needlework won a prize at the Queanbeyan Show, ['Queanbeyan Observer', 3 October 1899, p. 2].

Tarlo Gap Public School

In March 1901 Bridget, although not looking for removal, was transferred to Tarlo Gap near Goulburn, which had been closed some time for want of a teacher. Three months later she resigned after almost 16 years' service overall.

Later life

Concurrent with Bridget's resignation was her marriage to teacher Duncan Cameron, originally from Majura. She moved to Currowan, near Nelligen, where Duncan had charge of the school. Sadly, she died a year later 'after a short illness following accouchement' [Queanbeyan Observer', 11 July 1902, p. 2]. She was buried in Cooma Cemetery alongside her baby who died a month earlier.

[Biography prepared by Joanne Toohey, 2024. Sources include NSW school teachers' rolls 1868-1908, NSW school and related records 1876-1979, historic newspapers, NSW births, deaths and marriages index, and 'Early Education and Schools in the Canberra Region', (1999) by Lyall Gillespie.]


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