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Johnstone, Mabel

Mulligan's Flat -The short stay of Mabel Johnstone.

Some three weeks ago the residents of Mulligan's Flat were informed by the Department of Public Instruction that a lady teacher had been appointed to take charge of the provisional school at that place, and would resume duties on a certain date. A few days after the date mentioned the young lady arrived per coach at Gininderra, and after paying a visit to Mulligan's Fiat and expressing her utter disgust at the appearance of the school and accommodation (judging from an inspection of one place alone) likely to be afforded her it the locality, she quietly took her departure per coach to Sydney again next day. The residents at once entered into oommunication with the Department again through the member for the electorate, the result being the appointment of another lady teacher, Miss Fenton, who assumed duties to-day.

[Goulburn Evening Penny Post Thursday 29 September 1898]

Miss Johnstone's brief stay – three views

Sir, I have the honour to apply for removal...It is impossible for me to stay her, my health would not permit me...There is no suitable board for a female even a strong one. At the best place there are boards for windows and no floors. I was strictly warned not to get my feet wet nor sit in draughts and yet I have to cross two creeks before I reach the school...
I have the honour to be, etc.
Mabel Johnstone

".......the young lady arrived per coach at Ginninderra, and after paying a visit to Mulligan's Flat and expressing her utter disgust at the appearance of the school and accommodation (judging from an inspection of one place alone) likely to be afforded her in the locality, she quietly took her departure per coach to Sydney again next day."
[Goulburn Evening Penny Post, 29 September 1898]

"...[Miss Johnstone] arrived at Mulligan's Flat on Thursday and returned to Sydney on Saturday...Mulligan's Flat is not a desirable place for a teacher in delicate health...Miss Johnstone no doubt took alarm at the prospect of having to travel 20 miles to obtain, if needed, medical advice. I recommend that her appointment be cancelled, and that a teacher accustomed to bush life be sent to this school".
Inspector P F Sheehy


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