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Reynolds, Rose A

Googong Public School

Rose Reynolds, age 20, was appointed to Googong, her first teaching position, on 4 July 1888. She travelled by rail from Sydney to Queanbeyan then local conveyance for the final distance. Although Googong was ranked as a Public school, Rose as an unclassified teacher only received Provisional rates. Accommodation was offered 'at Mr Brown's a couple of hundred yards from the school'.

In August 1888, a month after Rose's arrival at Googong, the district inspector reported the school was in an 'inefficient state'. He did not, however attribute this to Rose, but rather to former teacher, Bridget Jones who received several reprimands for management issues and seems to have had a vexed relationship with both the Googong community and the Department.

Aside from needing to rectify the state of the school, Rose appears to have had an unproblematic start at Googong. In early 1889, however, she was subpoenaed to appear at Queanbeyan police court to testify concerning one of her pupils who had allegedly been assaulted on her way home from school ['Goulburn Evening Penny Post', 21 February 1889, p. 4]. Rose was required to affirm the pupil's attendance at school on the day in question from her school records, as well as contribute any other relevant information. She informed the Department of the necessity to close the school on three occasions as the case was repeatedly postponed. The local inspector, in communicating with senior administrators, noted 'the police case ... does not in any way reflect discredit upon Miss Reynolds, or upon her management of the school', implying her efficient organisation at Googong.

Rose asked permission to sit a classification examination at the end of 1889 but was informed she lacked 'the necessary practical experience to justify her admission to Examination'. She does not seem to have persisted with this request, rather a year later she notified the Department of her intention to resign. This was accepted, effective 30 November 1890, with the expectation Rose would refund part of her original travelling expenses as she had completed less than three years' service. Details of Rose Reynold's later life are unknown.

[Biography prepared by Joanne Toohey, 2023. Sources consulted include NSW school teachers' rolls 1868-1908, NSW school and related records 1876-1979, historic newspapers, NSW births, deaths and marriages index, and Early Education and Schools in the Canberra Region, (1999) by Lyall Gillespie].


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