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Bedford, Richard

from Claire Lewis, 'On the back of two sheep', 2012

After his service as Yarrowlumla was terminated in 1852 Bedford became a tutor to the children of the Webb family at Tidbinbilla and Yarralumla. He later rejoined the family at Uriarra in the 1880's when Willam and Joseph's children were of an age to receive some education. Bedford died there on 15th October 1892 at the age of 80 years. The Queanbeyan Age reported that "he had a such a kind and harmless disposition that he was respected and esteemed by both young and old". (22 Oct 1892)

Rural Graves in the ACT – A Historical Context and Interpretation by Anne Claoué­Long, 2006 Page 13

'Another Uriarra bush burial was that of Robert Bedford who died on 15th October 1892 at the age of eighty years........ The flooded Murrumbidgee River prevented the transportation of the body to St John's for burial but also marooned the then Rector of St John's, the Reverend Pierce Gilliard Smith, on the Uriarra side of the river. So he officiated at Bedford's local funeral. The body was buried adjacent to the Fairlight­ / Brookvale boundary and a peach tree reputedly marks the gravesite'.


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