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Cameron Archer - Book launch at Yass

28 May 2024

Cameron Archer at the launch of his book, May 26th 2024
Cameron Archer at the launch of his book, May 26th 2024

'Resilience at the foot of the Brindabellas' is the title of the book launched at St Clements Anglican Church, Yass on Sunday 26 May. Authored by Cameron Archer, the book centres around Cavan Station, in the country where Cameron grew up. Cameron has a long career in agriculture, retiring from Tocal Agricultural College after 28 years as Principal. As a result this book is particularly well informed on the development of Australian agriculture, and the sheep industry in particular - as well as the district concerned.

The book was launched by Dr Keith Amos - one time teacher of a young Cameron at The Mullion school on Mountain Creek Road. Apart from an abortive two weeks in charge of Captains Flat, this was Keith's first teaching appointment, and he shared some grand yarns about his time there.

The launch took place at St Clements Church Hall, Yass. A very fine afternoon tea was provided after the speeches, much enjoyed by a large crowd.

The book is available for sale at the Hall Heritage Centre at a price of $40, along with his earlier book, which is also of considerable local interest - 'Highlands to the Limestone Plains' - the story of his Cameron forbears

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