Purdue (Indiana) students visit
18 June 2018
A group of twenty five students from Purdue University visited the Centre on 18 June. They were health / medical students on a three week study tour of Australia to learn about Aboriginal health. Their Canberra host organisation was the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) , and earlier in the day they visited the Aboriginal Tent Embassy and the Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health Service at Narrabundah. Earlier they have been in New Zealand studying Maori health organisations.
While they were at the Centre Ken Heffernan gave them an overview of our 'Stones the Speak' display and the Aboriginal component of 'A tale of two villages'. He also demonstrated stone sharpening and acacia seed grinding. Their next stop is to be Cairns, where, they believe, it will be warmer.......