Rediscovering Ginninderra
Early images of Ginninderra village and community that feature in the exhibition and on-line database 'Rediscovering Ginninderra'

George Harcourt's home 'Deasland' as it is today

A wedding party at the Ryans 'Tea Gardens', May 1914.

The Cricketers' Arms

George Harcourt and others at Ginninderra Store

Mail coach with 'Deasland' in the background

Ginninderra Store and Post Office

Teacher Stuart Hogg and family, Ginninderra Schoolhouse

Pupils of Ginninderra School in 1905

'The Happy Family' at the Cricketers' Arms

Hall Ladies Cricket Team, Hall v Ginninderra c. 1910

A bunch of cricketers at the Cricketers Arms Hotel

Ginninderra Creek catchment

John Butler

John Patrick Rolfe

Headstone for John Winter, Hebden Cemetery.

Parkwood Chapel

Arthur Percival (seated); Percy Sheaffe (left)

Rolfe and Rochford children at tennis
< 2016 Photo Galleries